Ring of Fire
You need

x 1
Deck of Cards

x 1

Game Rules
Looking for a fiery and exciting drinking game to liven up your next party? Look no further than Ring of Fire! It's simple to learn, keeps everyone on their toes, and can get pretty wild as the game progresses
How to Play:
Setup: Grab a deck of cards and a cup acting as the centerpiece
1. Place a large cup in the center of the table, and spread a deck of cards face down around it in a circle
2. The game starts with the oldest player taking the first turn
3. On a player's turn, they have to pick a card from the middle circle without breaking the ring of cards (failling to do so results in having to chug your drink)
4. The cardholder now has to follow the action listed on the card
(All card actions / effects are explained at bottom of the page)
5. After completing the task on the card, the player to the left then gets to draw a card and the game continues!
Ending: The game can end in two ways: either when the last card is drawn from the circle, or when the fourth King is drawn and the brave soul who drew it has to drink the large cup in the middle!
🌊 Ace: Waterfall 🌊
You start a waterfall, each player starts drinking at the same time as the person to their right. Players then need to continue drinking until the person before them stops! This continues until the person who drew the card stops drinking
🥤 2: Give a sip 🥤
You give a sip to another player, cheers!
🥤 3: Take a sip 🥤
You take a sip from your drink, cheers!
👱♀️ 4: Whore 👱♀️
All females take sip, cheers!
🖐️ 5: Thumb Master 🖐️
The last player to put their thumb on the table, when the card holder puts their thumb on the table, takes a sip (This card can be saved for another point in the game!)
👦 6: Dicks 👦
All males take sip, cheers!
☝️ 7: Heaven ☝️
Last person to point up to the sky takes a sip
🍻 8: Mate 🍻
Pick a drinking buddy, for the rest of the game they drink when you drink!
💬 9: Rhyme 💬
You choose a word (any word will do).
Take turns going clockwise, saying things that rhyme with the previous word that was said. Last one unable to say a word, or does not say a word that rhymes, takes a sip!
💡 10: Category 💡
You choose a category (like animals or countries).
Take turns going clockwise, saying things in that category. Last one unable to say a word takes a sip!
📜 Jack: Make a Rule 📜
The cardholder makes a rule to be followed for the rest of the game
❓ Queen: Questions ❓
The cardholder asks a question to another player. If they respond with anything but another question, they must drink!
👑 King: Middle Cup! 👑
For the first three kings drawn, the players must pour a bit of their drink into the middle cup. On the fourth king, the cardholder must drink the entire large cup in the middle, ending the game!
🃏 Joker: House Rule 🃏
Optional to include this card.
This card's effect is decided before the game starts, by the host or player's present!