The Line Rules
You need

x 12
Ping Pong Balls

x 2

Game Rules
Craving a variation to beer pong, and a game specific to Slusen? Look no further than The Line! It's a fun beer pong like game that challenges your aim!
How to Play
Setup: You'll need 2 ping pong balls and 12 cups
1. This game is a variation of your standard Beer Pong [Drinking Dojo’s rules here]. But instead of aligning the cups in a triangle, you set them up in a straight line, 6 cups on each side of the board. The cups should be to the left of the table- middle on one side, and slightly to the right on the other
2. Unlike beer pong where you can hit any cup and remove it, in The Line it is only if you hit the closest cup that you get to remove it from the game. If the ball lands in another cup, that cup gets placed in the front of the line
3. If the ball lands in a cup, the cup is removed or moved immediately, before the next throw (it is not possible to hit 2 balls in the same cup)
Ending: When a team manages to remove all the cups from the opposing team, they are crowned the winner. The losers must then drink the remaining cups of the winner team